Review: The Outlands by Tyler Edwards

Thanks you Abby for the wonderful review!

Beyond the Read

Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing well! We’re not going to talk about how I said I was going to start posting semi-consistently… in December 💀 We’re definitely not going to talk about how this is my first review in almost a year, and we’re also not going to talk about how long it took me to write this one in particular 👍

Today, I’m back with a review for a book that I’ve been meaning to read for literal months! This was my first dystopian book since October 2020, and The Outlands definitely did not disappoint. I can’t wait to share my thoughts about it with you all!

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The Tides of Reckoning ARC Review

Lost in Neverland

The Tides of Reckoning (The Outlands Saga #2)

The Tides of Reckoning

Author: Tyler Edwards


Genre: YA Sci-fi

Published: 29th October 2021

Rating: 4.5 Stars


“Live long enough and you’ll see, people are the worst monsters.”

Defeated. Betrayed. Exiled. Jett Lasting finds himself alone in the place he fears more than death itself: the Outlands. Wracked with guilt and desperate to find his friends, he journeys through the barren wastelands where the air itself is a toxic fume. Jett soon discovers that the Outlands are not what he was led to believe, but in many ways worse. Filled with horrifying monsters, bandits, and marauders, the Outlands prove to be a living nightmare.

Jett must find a way to survive if he’s going to return to Dios and get his revenge. Amidst the dangers, Jett is surprised to learn he is not alone in his desire to bring down the Patriarch. Potential allies are rallying forces to…

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4 Playful Pet-Peeves with Self-Promoters

Having spent some time on Facebook book promotion and author groups I noticed some trends that I’d like to playfully tease in efforts to help us all improve our promotion game. In the spirit of good fun this is my top 4 self-promotion pet-peeves. Hope you enjoy!

4. If you are looking for a publisher or readers for a biography you wrote about your life and you call it a biography…you need to stop posting and spend some time learning the difference between a BIOGRAPHY and an AUTOBIOGRAPHY. If you wrote a biography about your life…it is not called a biography anymore. Getting that wrong leads me to no other conclusion than that your book will be unreadable. Also, while we are here: don’t look for a publisher for a book about your life.

3. Don’t compare your book to a best-seller. “Forget the Hunger Games”, “It’s the next Twilight”, etc. If the only way you can try to get attention for your book is comparing it to someone else’s you are basically advertising that the reader can expect to find very little inspiration, creativity, or unique thoughts.

2. Please avoid flattering yourself. Calling your own book, a “real page turner” ugh…it makes my skin crawl. If you are telling me, as the writer, that I won’t be able to put your book down, I will prove you right by never picking it up in the first place. This is like telling someone on a first date how they are so lucky to be on a date with you. It’s really off-putting. Pulling a self-serving quote from one of your besties who read it and likes it because they like you is better…but not by a lot. Your self-promotion shouldn’t rely a cherry-picked pull-quote OR your own claims of how good the book is. If it really is that good, share someone’s entire review and promote it that way.

1. My all-time biggest pet-peeve. DO NOT CALL YOUR BOOK A BEST SELLER. Don’t claim it’s #1 on anything. That a serious claim and an honor reserve for those who earned it. Those who earned it, aren’t posting their own promotion on Facebook groups anymore. Someone who has a #1 best seller on any list worth mentioning, is successful enough to have better things to do, like, work on their next book. You’re not fooling anyone. It takes 3 seconds to type your book into Google and see there is no way it was a best-seller on anything but the “books written by people in your family list”. So just, please, do us all a favor. Don’t. I get that you want to draw attention. To hook readers in. Let your book do that.

Top 9 most encouraging things for a writer

I’ve been thinking a lot about writing I start processing the different compliments people give when they engage with your work. I decided to rank the level of compliment based on how flattering I feel it is. To all my writer friends, take a look at tell me how you’d order the compliments.

#9- Commenting on the premise.

This is perhaps the foundation level of any engagement but it’s exciting when someone hears your hook and is interested in it.

#8 – Buying the book.

Let’s be honest, especially from someone who doesn’t personally know you, this is something to appreciate. Of all the things they could spend their money on, or even just all the books they could choose, I find it very encouraging when someone deems my work interesting enough to invest in.

#7 – Comparing it to other great writing or writers.

Not in the sense where it takes away from the originality of the work but when the quality of my writing reminds someone of other captivating stories, I find that encouraging.

#6 – Giving it a good rating.

Not only does this reflect how they felt about the book, it helps other readers who might be interested give it a shot.

#5 – Complimenting specific things or elements they liked.

I find this to be one of the most helpful things a reader can do. It lets me know what’s working, what resonated, and where the strong elements of a story are so I can find ways of putting more of those elements in a story.

#4 – Writing a review.

Taking the time to write a review shows even more investment in the story. Especially in cases where the review is positive, it is one of the most helpful elements in connecting with new readers. Reviews give a book more credibility, can create increased interest, and are great for marketing.

#3 – Sharing it on social media.

When someone likes a book enough to share a post about it on their social media channels, not only are they sharing your work with all their connections, they are using their platform to support your work. This is incredibly flattering.

#2 – Personally recommending it to others.

I think what makes the personal recommendation more encouraging / a greater compliment to the writing is that it’s much more personal. While a social media post has a greater reach, talking with the book and recommending it to others has a greater impact. It’s easy to keep scrolling but when someone is telling you about a book, it can really make you want to read it.

#1 – Wanting to read it again.

To me, this is the highest compliment someone can give. Not only did they invest their time in reading your book, they enjoyed it so much they want to do it more than once. That says to me: not only did you enjoy the story I wrote; you want to get lost in it. You want to go back to it again. That’s a compliment I think is really easy to overlook but truly perhaps the most encouraging thing a reader tells me.

Alright guys, what do you think? Would you rank them differently?

The Outlands

Super exciting news: the pre-order for my first fiction book: The Outlands is now live. Book will be released on January 24th. This is the e-book version. Pre-orders for hard copy coming soon.
Click the link below to order!